Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don't Be a Kill JOY

 I LOVE the feeling of getting things accomplished!
I LOVE having a list and I LOVE checking things off!.. BUT as a Mom
having a list and wanting to get things done can be a real kill joy..
Being a Mom has taught me to let go.. to live life and not always zap it..
  Having small children I see their love for wanting to help and do things.. My girls play 'house' all day long.. They pretend whatever they see!..    Always wanting to help me with my chores and  cooking!.  BUT if you have children you KNOW how a simply task can turn into this HUGE production if children are involved.
 Washing and cutting vegetables is a weekly to biweekly chore for me, a chore my girls always ask to help with.. but  their clothes get soaked the floor is drenched!... Maggie sometimes takes bites out of the fruit or veggies! water water everywhere! a Chore I would so much rather do by myself.. YET why do I want to be a kill joy? I can get a chore done and my girls will have a blast!.. we listen to music and sing and laugh while we work and though their are days like today where I just did not want to be dealing with all the extra stuff they LOVED it... as I just read in a book
"these acts of love and sacrifice pay off in a child's heart."
 I so often don't see the grace God is pouring on me in allowing me to spend time with my children where they want to be with me and want to help me!.. THERE will come a day where both of those could be gone!.. SO why do I wish it away just so I can check something off my list?

                     From the book, 'Desperate'  by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson
                        " Don't neglect to see the beauty of the life around you
                              while being overwhelmed by the duties of life."
 a simple chore turned into a big project and a huge mess.. but I got it done..  I want to enjoy my children, BUT sometimes I have to "choose to be thankful and practice being content."

SO challenge to any parents out there who will read this and who love feeling the need to get things done.. Don't be a kill joy..  be the joy..

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