10 to 12 weeks to go...

I have reached my 3rd trimester and we have been healthy as could be! (Thank you Jesus!!)
The weight has been packing on.. I am official 25 lbs heavier than I was 29 weeks ago and I am still growing! My activities that I have been keeping up with.. Pilates.. walking.. kickbox.. step.. hiking and yoga.. I know they say Pilates and yoga is great and will help when its time for Baby Shoe to be born but I must say I would rather do 2 hours of Kickbox than 1 hour of Pilates or Yoga!..
Ohh did I tell you its a GIRL..! yes, baby Shoe is a girl and she is such a snuggler, I cannot wait to meet my baby girl.. We had a 3D ultrasound last week and you could see her snuggling with her placenta like it was a blanket or a doll. She comes up to and snuggles with me when I am sleeping I feel her head, back and bum when i sleep and I just hold her in my arms.. Though I am soaking in my Ross time I am looking forward to meeting baby..
ahem.... new pics, if you please ♥
Just wanted you to know I'm praying for you! love you
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